Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Practice movie poster

So last week in class all of us did a practice movie poster with all some of the images that were given to us. However when I was done I HATED IT!!!!So, this week I had the time to make a new one using new Photoshop skills. I really worked hard on this one and I love it so much more. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Functioning Invention

For my functioning invention I invented a microwave cooler. So we have all had those instances where we warm our food up in the microwave and we take it out and it is way to hot. so, the microwave-cooler is a compartment right next to the microwave where you can cool your food instantly and it just as easy to work as a microwave!

Non- Functioning Invention

So it's a little crazy, but for my non-functioning invention I created this thing called a Universal Beautician where one size and style fits all and the reason it's non-functional is because a person will put on the helmet without any makeup and come out looking even worse than they did before.